Great Cheverell Parish Council Wiltshire Logo
Great Cheverell Parish Council Wiltshire Motto
Great Cheverell Wiltshire Countryside
Contacting the Parish Council
We would like to hear from you!

A letter or email is the most effective way to raise an issue. This assists with any action the council may be able to take on your behalf. The Parish Council recommend that in the first instance, correspondence should be sent through the Parish Clerk (by post or via email) rather to an individual Councillor; please note that anonymous correspondence will be disregarded.

There are several ways in which you can draw a Councillor’s attention to a matter that concerns you. In all cases, unless you give express permission, your name will only be disclosed to the Parish Councillors and will not be openly revealed during the meeting.

If correspondence needs to be forwarded to other agencies, the Parish Council may ask your permission to include your contacts details. If you refuse, your details will not be included.

Any elector within the parish may put a question to the meeting about a matter for which the council has responsibility.

You can approach any Councillor directly with your concerns. However discussing complex issues over the phone or face to face is not recommended; the Parish Council would suggest this is followed up with a written summary in order to prevent misunderstandings.

Our postal address
Postal address:
Mrs Jacqui Abbott
71 Damask Way
BA12 9PP
Our telephone number
07709 005545

Our telephone number